The Life & Times of Floyd

Baby Chay

The Chef was born in Pennsylvania, on a Thursday morning in the month of April!

Baby Chay Baby Chay and his sister Caitlin! Baby Chay was BIG!

I was a BIG baby! Just ask my sister, who used to bite my arms for fun!

The Mullet Years

During these formative years a young Chase developed an interest in MANY things, especially SCIENCE!

Mullet Chay Cutter & Cheyenne, our original dogs! Mullet Chay & Cay! The Reject Animals! RIP The Penguin! Our New Backyard

I lived in what is now called our "old house" until the age of 5, and we moved to our "new house" right before I was slated to start SCHOOL! I have very fond memories of that old house and the fun my sister and I had there. I remember our favorite game was called "Reject Animals" (it was called this since the toys we used were deemed by us to be "rejects", unworthy of staying in the house but worthy of being tossed into trees), and it involved tossing stuffed animals and large plastic animal toys into trees to TRY and get them stuck! Then we would have a blast trying to FREE them by tossing MORE animals into the tree! This game rocked since it was never-ending, but one day we "lost" one of our animals and things changed. This animal was a Penguin, who after being tossed up landed in a giant "sticker" plant. We were too afraid to retrieve him, and he remained there even after we moved. It was a sad day, but his memory lives on!

Starting School

My Elementary School was K-6, and the seven years I spent there were some of the best!

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Even the year I went "bad"...aka SIXTH GRADE!

Sixth Grade

Kindgergarten marked the start of my school career, and it was there that I entered my first class!

My First Class!
Chase as a Frog in the Kindergarten Play! Chase in Elementary School!

Moving Up to High School

After Elementary School I entered a Jr/Sr High School for grades 7-12, and things got how they get during the teen years...weird! The first few years my school pictures came out pretty bad, so by the time I was in 10th Grade I was trying to take the worst photos possible (for fun of course!). Note that I even wore the same shirt every year!

High School Photos!

High School was definitely a lot of fun though, and some of my favorite memories were playing volleyball with the other members of "Phelps' Wolf-Pac"!

Phelps' Wolf-Pac Chase Playing Volleyball Chase slamming down a SPIKE!

High School doesn't last forever though, and while I was sad to see it end (and afraid about what was going to happen next) I kept moving ahead as I ascended into "The College Years"!

Chase Graduating High School

Mr. Floyd's College Years

I attended Temple University, and I entered the university undecided as to which career path to choose. I knew I was interested in many things though, such as exploring the city!

Chase in College Chase at Temple University Chase Exploring the City Chase finding the City Gorilla!

Towards the end of my senior year of high school though I became interested in music and the idea of challenging myself to learn, experience, and do new things "just for the sake of it". I had spent months working to learn how to play the piano, and not only did this lead to improving skills but it also led to discovering a passion for videography. "ChaseFloydInc" was thus born!

Chase Playing the Grand Piano Chase Floyd Inc is Born...with MUSIC! ChaseFloydInc Subscribe! Chase & CFI!

CFI was more or less my main focus for my first two years of college, and the things I accomplished, created, and set-in-motion turned this period of time into a renaissance of sorts in my life. The "100 Challenge" tops the list to this very day, and it is the main focus of my non-teaching life!

Chase's 100 Challenge! Chase's 100 Challenge!

Time was ticking on my college-clock though, but it wasn't until the start of my junior year that I figured out what I wanted to do. After getting a new part-time job the previous summer my eyes were opened a bit, and I realized that I wanted to pursue becoming a science teacher. Science had ALWAYS been my favorite subject, I had always enjoyed going to school, and it aligned with many of my other life-goals such as wanting to improve my math skills, perform scientific research, and help others (the last two being goals of mine forever, since I was a kid that wanted to become a SCIENTIST and a SUPER-HERO!)

Chase loved science from a very young age! Chase also wanted to be a super-hero from a very young age! Chase as

I thus promptly changed my major at the start of the Fall semester that year, and a few months after that I was already at work in the classroom!

Mr. Floyd is Born! The first DO NOW!

As I studied more and more science, my love for everything about it only grew ten-fold. I became obsessed with acquiring more scientific knowledge and skills, and the final few years I spent in college were consumed with homework, studying, and reading about science. My final project, building a FOOD COMPUTER, proved to be the perfect ending to a challenging and memorable couple of years!

Chase Studying! Chase transporting parts for the Food Computer! Chase building the Food Computer! Chase and the Food Computer!

Becoming the Chef - My First Teaching Job

After graduating college with a B.S. in Earth & Space Science (along with my teaching certification), I chose to leave the city and pursue employment in a more rural area due to my preference for living in and around nature. The time after college proved challenging for many reasons though, but I kept my head up and never gave up. I worked as a substitute teacher on my days off from my other job (the same one I started during college that made me realize that I wanted to become a teacher), and it wasn't until almost a year and a half after I graduated that I finally got my first real teaching gig!

Chef's First Class!

It was while teaching this first class that the "Chef" was born! Many of these students would, for no clear reason, often ask me if I was "cooking up DO NOWs and QPs" for them to do in class. One thing led to another, and before I knew it the students had made me a chef's apron and started calling me Chef Floyardee! I've since moved on to other schools, but the name has stuck! All it took was a logo to cement this status, and the rest is history!

Chef Floyardee is BORN!

Hobbies, Interests, and Favorite Things

Untitled Document
  • Anything and everything POSITIVE in our world!

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